The majority of single disk models sold since 2008 (Including all GForce and Greendrive branded models) require a single voltage, barrel-type connector power adapters rated at 12V >1.25A. The power adapter for these models can be found and purchased here: 

For all other models, please consult our power supply section of our online store here: 

The linked website has all of the power adapters we've ever used.  It can be quite daunting at first, but it is actually quite easy to determine which adapter will work for your drive.  All of our adapters meet the same basic power requirements, but each has a different plug configuration.  Compare the photos by clicking on the "buy direct" link, if the pictured adapter has a plug configuration that matches your drive then it will work for you. 

There is only one exception to this rule.  For any product whose model number begins with MDE (that is, the Megadisk eSATA/USB hard disk) there is only one valid adapter model number, PA-308-MDE.  Please note that the PA-308-MDE model will work with any other drive with a matching plug configuration.

If the links above do not work, we might be sold out on the unit. Please contact FantomDrives support for more options.